Thursday 29 August 2013

The Genius of Turner - Painting the Industrial Revolution

The Power Of Art: 5/8 - Turner (BBC Series)

Meet 500 years of British Art - Room: 1970 & 1980

TateShots: Lowry. Worth while studying if your interested in the industrial revolution. I'm interested in expanding my knowledge on British industry and how different artists responded.

TateShots: Gary Hume. I love how this artist talks about painting, and how by using simplicity he can transform ordinary objects into something spectacular.

Collage experiments from 2nd year Painting, University of Ulster. i enjoyed manipulating my photography by using mediums such as spray paint, enamel and acrylic paints. I'm drawn to bright, artificial colours as I feel this represents our species existing separately from nature.

I love exploring the world around me. As an Artist, I'm fascinated with industry and invention and how humans distinguish themselves separately from nature by using them. We belong with nature, yet we are also apart. We live in a new, man-made environment that is bubbled inside something more ancient than us.